Friday, June 24, 2011

Thinspiration - Gemma Ward

I have a new girl crush, and her name is Gemma Ward.  She's fucking gorgeous, and exactly the size I want to be one day.

It's a shame she gained weight, but I doubt this is her

She's so effortless <3


  1. I hope that wasn't her. She's perfect. I wish I was that thin. Hopefully someday...

  2. pray tht isn't her!o dear i went INSANE wen i gained weight imagine how SHE felt if thts her!!!!!!!!
    shes so freaking beautiful mmhmm abosolutly perfect <3

  3. Hello! I like your blog, I'm following! :]

    She did gained weight and those pics are her. She comes from a city near me so I've seen articles in the paper. She's acting instead of modelling. I think thats why she gained weight because she didn't need to be so skinny anymore. She's doing some theater thing. She was also in the new Pirates of the Carribean movie. ♥ her.

    Liesel ♥
